DeleteByParams class final

  • @JsonSerializable()


DeleteByParams({dynamic facetFilters, String? filters, dynamic numericFilters, dynamic tagFilters, String? aroundLatLng, dynamic aroundRadius, List<List<double>>? insideBoundingBox, List<List<double>>? insidePolygon})
Returns a new DeleteByParams instance.
DeleteByParams.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


aroundLatLng String?
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude. Only records included within circle around this central location are included in the results. The radius of the circle is determined by the aroundRadius and minimumAroundRadius settings. This parameter is ignored if you also specify insidePolygon or insideBoundingBox.
aroundRadius → dynamic
One of types:
facetFilters → dynamic
One of types:
filters String?
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response. You can use these filter expressions: - Numeric filters. <facet> <op> <number>, where <op> is one of <, <=, =, !=, >, >=. - Ranges. <facet>:<lower> TO <upper> where <lower> and <upper> are the lower and upper limits of the range (inclusive). - Facet filters. <facet>:<value> where <facet> is a facet attribute (case-sensitive) and <value> a facet value. - Tag filters. _tags:<value> or just <value> (case-sensitive). - Boolean filters. <facet>: true | false. You can combine filters with AND, OR, and NOT operators with the following restrictions: - You can only combine filters of the same type with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR num > 3. - You can't use NOT with combinations of filters. Not supported: NOT(facet:value OR facet:value) - You can't combine conjunctions (AND) with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR (facet:value AND facet:value) Use quotes around your filters, if the facet attribute name or facet value has spaces, keywords (OR, AND, NOT), or quotes. If a facet attribute is an array, the filter matches if it matches at least one element of the array. For more information, see Filters.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
insideBoundingBox List<List<double>>?
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search. Each bounding box is defined by the two opposite points of its diagonal, and expressed as latitude and longitude pair: [p1 lat, p1 long, p2 lat, p2 long]. Provide multiple bounding boxes as nested arrays. For more information, see rectangular area.
insidePolygon List<List<double>>?
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search. Polygons are defined by 3 to 10,000 points. Each point is represented by its latitude and longitude. Provide multiple polygons as nested arrays. For more information, see filtering inside polygons. This parameter is ignored if you also specify insideBoundingBox.
numericFilters → dynamic
One of types:
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tagFilters → dynamic
One of types:


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.