alexa_web_api library
- Alexa
- AlexaReadyPayload
- The Future resolve result from a successful create invocation.
- AudioData
- AudioData result of fetching and demuxing an Alexa transformed speech mp3
- Capability
- The Capability object provides information about the device.
- Client
- The Alexa Client object provides interfaces to communicate with your skill and with the device.
- CreateClientOptions
- Construction options for the HTML SDK Client object.
- DefaultMessageProvider
- Implements the MessageProvider for WebView based devices that allow url interception and direct message evaluation (script injection).
- ErrorCode
- These are all the values the error could be ErrorWithCode.code
- ErrorWithCode
- ErrorWithCode is the Alexa.create Promise reject result.
- FetchAndDemuxError
- This error indicates an MP3 could not be retrieved from Alexa.
- MemoryInfo
- MemoryInfo is the Performance.getMemoryInfo Promise resolve result.
- MemoryInfoError
- MemoryInfoError is the Performance.getMemoryInfo Promise reject result.
T> - The interface for messages sent and received to the MessageProvider
- MessageActions
- These are all the HTML to Device Message Definitions
- MessageProvider
- Message interface that any device or mock device must fulfill to integrate with Client.
- MessageSendResponse
- The status of the message sent to the device.
- Microphone
- The Microphone object provides information about the device.
- MicrophoneOpenedError
- These are all the values the error could be for MicrophoneOpenedErrorCallback
- Performance
- Responsible for performance level metrics such as getting the current available memory.
T> - RateLimit
- The RateLimit object defines the limit on the number of outgoing requests from your web app.
- Skill
- Commands to interact with your skill backend.
- Speech
- Commands to react to speech events.
- SpeechMark
- Data that describe the speech that you synthesize, such as where a sentence or word starts and ends in the audio stream. for more information on Speech Marks visit,
- SpeechUtils
- Utility functions associated with managing speech.
- Utils
- Collection of utility objects and functions that aid in development.
- Voice
- Commands to react to voice user input. NOTE: The device can send microphone events independently of whether or not the microphone event was initiated by the skill or the user.
- VoiceArgs
- Configuration arguments of a microphone open request.
- MessageCallback = void Function(Message message)
- Function to be called whenever a message is received from the device. Function should take Message as a parameter to receive the contents of the message.
- MessageSendResponseCallback = void Function(MessageSendResponse response)
- MicrophoneOpenedErrorCallback = void Function(String error)
- Function to call on request error.
- OnMessageCallback = void Function(dynamic message)