fetch method

Future<void> fetch({
  1. int? intervalSeconds,

Obtain the latest configuration data from the cloud. The default interval is 12 hours. The cached data is returned within 12 hours.


Future<void> fetch({int? intervalSeconds}) async {
  try {
    await _channel.invokeMethod('fetch',
        <String, int?>{'intervalSeconds': intervalSeconds});
  on PlatformException catch (e) {
    int? code = int.tryParse(e.code);
    int? throttleEndTime =
    e.details != null ? e.details['throttleEndTime'] : null;
    throw RemoteConfigException(
        code: code,
        message: e.message,
        throttleEndTimeMillis: throttleEndTime);
  on MissingPluginException catch(e){
    throw RemoteConfigException(
        code: 0x0c2a0001,
        message: e.message,
        throttleEndTimeMillis: 0);