AdHocDevice constructor

  1. String? label,
  2. String? address,
  3. String? name,
  4. Identifier? mac,
  5. int type = -1,

Creates an AdHocDevice object.

If label is given, then it is used as a unique identifier to represent the remote device.

If address is given, then it is either used as an UUID in case of Bluetooth Low Energy, or an IPv4 address in case of Wi-Fi Direct.

If name is given, then it is used to represent the name of the remote device.

If mac is given, then it represents the MAC address of the remote device.

If type is given, then it defines the type of technology used, i.e., "0" stands for Wi-Fi Direct and "1" stands for Bluetooth Low Energy.


  String? label,
  String? address,
  String? name,
  Identifier? mac,
  int type = -1,
}) {
  this.address = checkString(address);
  _label = checkString(label);
  _name = checkString(name);
  _mac = mac ?? Identifier();
  _type = type;