Adaptive & Responsive Util
This package was inspired by this video
Makes it easier to manage the types of screens that will be used, use "AdaptiveScreen" if you want to create a special screen based on the type of platform such as website, Android, iOS, Mac, Windows. or use "ResponsiveLandscapeScreen" or "ResponsivePortraitScreen" if you want to get even better screen responsiveness.
Adaptive or/and Responsive widget
AdaptiveScreen Widget
- Use this widget if you are going to build pages or specific widgets according to the type of platform
OrientationScreen Widget
- Use this widget if you are going to build pages or specific widgets according to the type of page orientation
ResponsivePortraitScreen Widget
- Use this widget if you want to form groups/branches for your layout or widget display to suit the screen size conditions when in portrait position. (make sure to also set the same for the landscape position with ResponsiveLandscapeScreen Widget)
ResponsiveLandscapeScreen Widget
- Use this widget if you want to form groups/branches for your layout or widget display to suit the screen size conditions when in landscape position. (make sure to also set the same for the portrait position with ResponsivePortraitScreen Widget)
Utils Content
Utils Content is another package from adaptive / responsive, containing additional code to help make the coding process faster.
Inspired from this article
Extension on BuildContent
This extension is used for several parts such as themes, media queries, displaying static UI such as snackbar and alert dialog, and a simple version for customizing widgets based on screen orientation.
List Simplify Theme Access
primaryColor => Theme.of(this).primaryColor;
canvasColor => Theme.of(this).canvasColor;
cardColor => Theme.of(this).cardColor;
focusColor => Theme.of(this).focusColor;
dialogBackgroundColor => Theme.of(this).dialogBackgroundColor;
disabledColor => Theme.of(this).disabledColor;
dividerColor => Theme.of(this).dividerColor;
highlightColor => Theme.of(this).highlightColor;
hintColor => Theme.of(this).hintColor;
hoverColor => Theme.of(this).hoverColor;
indicatorColor => Theme.of(this).indicatorColor;
primaryDark => Theme.of(this).primaryColorDark;
primaryLight => Theme.of(this).primaryColorLight;
shadowColor => Theme.of(this).shadowColor;
example : context.primaryColor
List Simplify MediaQuery Access
width => MediaQuery.of(this).size.width;
height => MediaQuery.of(this).size.height;
aspectRatio => MediaQuery.of(this).size.aspectRatio;
longestSide => MediaQuery.of(this).size.longestSide;
shortestSide => MediaQuery.of(this).size.shortestSide;
orientation => MediaQuery.of(this).orientation;
padding => MediaQuery.of(this).padding;
example : context.width
Display SnackBar
example : context.snackBar('example');
Display Alert Dialog
example :
title: 'title',
content: 'content',
onPositivePressed: () {},
positiveButtonText : 'Ok',
onNegativePressed: () {},
negativeButtonText: 'Cancel',
Build Widget Based on Orientation
example :
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'extension_on_build_context.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const MyWidget({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return context.orientationAction(
onPortrait: () {
return const Column(
children: [],
onLandscape: () {
return const Row(
children: [],