Results9 packages
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A 'dart:html' that works in all platforms, including Flutter and server-side. Eases cross-platform development and HTML / XML processing.
Convenient websocket handler for all platforms (both IO and web/HTML). Websocket messages routing, statuses and other features have easy-to-use interface.
A 'dart:html' that works in all platforms, including Flutter and server-side. Eases cross-platform development and HTML / XML processing.
Cross-platform 'dart:io' that adds browser support for HttpClient and some other "dart:io" APIs.
A fast and universal 2D rendering engine for HTML5 and Dart.
Cross-platform 'dart:io' that adds browser support for HttpClient and some other "dart:io" APIs.
The classes and functions from dart:ui that works on all platforms: Color, Offset, Rect, Size, etc.#pure-dart#ui#geometry#color#rectangle
Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service.
Universal parser for RSS and Atom feeds with support for some extensions (dc, dcterms, media, itunes, georss, syndication, content)

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