Results115 packages
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High-performance trie-node router. It is based on Trie-Node and supports dynamic, static, parameter, wildcard routing, etc.#routing#router#routing-kit#trie#trie-node
Convenient websocket handler for all platforms (both IO and web/HTML). Websocket messages routing, statuses and other features have easy-to-use interface.
A high-powered HTTP server extensible framework with dependency injection, routing and much more.
data_channel (DC) is a simple dart utility for handling exceptions and data routing.
Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) client for Dart.
Flutter_Express is a lightweight and user-friendly api routing package.
rx_bloc_cli that enables quick project setup including: flavors, localization [intl], state management [rx_bloc], routing [go_router], design system, analytics [firebase], tests
Lightweight Dart web server supporting request routing, filtering, template engine, MVC design pattern, and file-based static resources.
A simple HTTP proxy for webdev's serve command. Supports apps that use HTML5 routing by rewriting 404s to the root index.

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