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Annotations for the flutter_sheet_localization_generator package.
This is a command line Dart application that helps in implementing localization in Flutter apps.
A flutter project that used to generate the localization file to help localization easier.
A Dart CLI tool for generating localization files for Flutter apps using AI.
Very Easy Localization: Very Easily Extract Strings From your Flutter App & create localization in 100+ languages using google translate with google translate.
A tool to help generate json from csv file. It is useful when used with localization packages.
A dart library that generates Flutter localization code from ARB file.#localization#internationalization#l10n#i18n#arb
A tool which automatically generates Flutter localization resources from CSV and Excel files.
Tools that help manage localization for a dart/flutter application.
Allows merging multiple nested .arb files into one root .arb file

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