Results56 packages
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A 2D Bézier curve math library. Based heavily on the work of @TheRealPomax <>. Live examples can be found at <>.
Porting of "The Alphanum Algorithm" in Dart, used to sort string lists alphanumerically.
This is a dart package for Cloudflare API to allow easy Image, Stream and Live Input api management.
A Dart implementation for ElectricSQL ( client.
This package provides a library that performs static analysis of Dart code.
Compose and send emails from Dart. Supports file attachments and HTML emails
package:http compatible client that can speak HTTP/2, maintain connections and fallback to HTTP/1.1.
Chart generator with interchangeable chart engines, like ChartJS and ApexCharts.
Let's Encrypt support for the shelf package (free and automatic HTTPS certificate support).
ApolloVM, a Multilingual portable VM (native, JS/Web, Flutter) for Dart, Java, JavaScript with on-the-fly Wasm compilation.#vm#dart#java#compiler#translator

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