Results78 packages
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Whatsapp bot using puppeteer and whatsapp web scraping with flutter desktop/web and dart projects support
A package that makes it easy to set your flutter app launcher name.
Internal annotations used by the generator of flutter_inappwebview plugin
A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon.
Package your Flutter app into OS-specific bundles (.dmg, .exe, etc.) via Dart or the command line.
Enables you to broadcast global events in your app. Helpful in cases where your modules/components need to know about a change happened somewhere in your app.
Quickly distribute your Flutter app to testers or enterprise users by uploading it to the AppHost hosting service
A command application to help you easily bundle your flutter app build into a debian package ready for production.
A command-line application for FlutterFire supposed to support app flavors.

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