Results280 packages
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Drift is a reactive library to store relational data in Dart and Flutter applications.
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.#bloc#cache#state-management
Lint rules are a powerful way to improve the maintainability of a project. Custom Lint allows package authors and developers to easily write custom lint rules.
Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not).
A crash reporting library for Dart that sends crash reports to This library supports Dart VM and Web. For Flutter consider sentry_flutter instead.
MongoDB driver, implemented in pure Dart. All CRUD operations, aggregation pipeline and more!
Build powerful LLM-based Dart and Flutter applications with LangChain.dart.#ai#nlp#llms#langchain
The base package containing common types and utilities that are shared across the Amplify Flutter packages.
Stash is a key-value store abstraction with plain and cache driven semantics and support for a pluggable backend architecture.
The Dart SDK to connect to Parse Server. Build your apps faster with Parse Platform, the complete application stack.#parse#parse-platform#parse-server#node-js#backend

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