Results26 packages
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A mock framework inspired by Mockito with APIs for Fakes, Mocks, behavior verification, and stubbing.
A Dart mock library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.#mock#test
Dart wrapper on SQLite, a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, SQL database engine.
A full featured library for writing and running Dart tests across platforms.
Support for specifying test expectations via an extensible Matcher class. Also includes a number of built-in Matcher implementations for common cases.
High-performance asynchronous interface for SQLite on Dart and Flutter.
A framework for checking values against expectations and building custom expectations.
Enables you to broadcast global events in your app. Helpful in cases where your modules/components need to know about a change happened somewhere in your app.
Bones_UI - An intuitive and user-friendly Web User Interface framework for Dart.
A Nextcloud API client written in Dart supporting all maintained Nextcloud server versions.#nextcloud#openapi#webdav

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