Results14 packages
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Hive storage extension for the stash caching API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in the Hive database
Memory storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in-memory
Dio extension for the stash API. Provides an interceptor that uses stash as a caching layer for Dio
File storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in the local file system in binary format using the msgpack json format
Sembast storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in the local file system in binary format using the msgpack json format
Isar storage extension for the stash caching API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in the Isar database
Objectbox storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in a Objectbox database
Sembast Web storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in a IndexedDB in binary format using the msgpack json format
storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in a sqlite database in binary format using the msgpack json format
A helper library in Dart for authors of workflows for Alfred.#alfred#macos

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