Results449 packages
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Automatically generate code for converting to and from JSON by annotating Dart classes.#json#build-runner#json-serializable#codegen
A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.
A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications
Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen, inspired by Retrofit#api#client#http#rest
MongoDB driver, implemented in pure Dart. All CRUD operations, aggregation pipeline and more!
Code generator for MobX that adds support for annotating your code with @observable, @computed, @action and also creating Store classes.#reactive-programming#state-management#codegen
PostgreSQL database driver. Supports statement reuse and binary protocol and connection pooling.#sql#db#database#postgres
RFC6238 Time-Based One-Time Password / Google Authenticator Library
Generator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files. #interop#ffi#codegen
Reflection support based on code generation, using 'capabilities' to specify which operations to support, on which objects.

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