Results41 packages
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A command-line tool that create Msix installer from your flutter windows-build files.#windows#tool
A Package that helps with twilio API services. Features include sending SMS and WhatsApp messages among others.
Injectable is a convenient code generator for get_it. Inspired by Angular DI, Guice DI and inject.dart.
Code generation for mapping between different objects with ease.
Simple service locator API based on GetIt.
Shared code between the stacked packages.
Service locator for IoC pattern. Export annotations and abstract classes used by injecteo_generator.
A RESTful server based on JSON With this package you can have a fully functional RESTful server with auth, pagination and all the necessaries services do build an application
Json based key-value storage with AES encryption support. Supported data types are `int`, `double`, `bool`, `String` and `Writable object`.
Firestore service tool. Allow developer to get or add documents and collections to the Firestore using service account.

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