Results132 packages
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RFC4122 (v1, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) UUID Generator and Parser for Dart #uuid#identifier#id
Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the runtime dependency. #built-value
MongoDB driver, implemented in pure Dart. All CRUD operations, aggregation pipeline and more!
A dart-native implementation of the Firebase Auth and Firestore SDKs.
A multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Dart. This is a port of the Android library.
Runtime library for protocol buffers support. Use with package:protoc_plugin to generate dart code for your '.proto' files.
Dart implementation of gRPC, a high performance, open-source universal RPC framework.
A protobuf protoc compiler plugin used to generate Dart code.
Contains code to deal with internationalized/localized messages, date and number formatting and parsing, bi-directional text, and other internationalization issues.
This is a Dart port of Google's libphonenumber library, Google's library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers.#phonenumber#parsing#formatting#validation

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