Results11 packages
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Dart bindings for libsodium, for the Dart-VM and for the Web
A platform independent Dart/Flutter Wrapper for the Firebase Authentication API based on REST
Dart client library for etebase using FFI bindings with libetebase
Annotations for the dart code generator that generates typed client and server code for the json_rpc_2 package.
The client package for the serverpod_json_rpc_2 module for JSON RPC 2.0.
A dart code generator that generates typed client and server code for the json_rpc_2 package.
Build annotations for the settings_builder package to generate automatic accessors for reading and writing shared preferences.
The server package for the serverpod_json_rpc_2 module for JSON RPC 2.0.
A dart builder that generates automatic accessors for reading and writing shared preferences.
A helper package that contains shared code the for serverpod_json_rpc_2 module.

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