Results1189 packages
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A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.
Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App"
Automatically generate code for converting to and from JSON by annotating Dart classes.#json#build-runner#json-serializable#codegen
A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.
Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.
Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the runtime dependency. #built-value
A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying, transforming and building XML documents.#parser#sax#xml#xpath
A mock framework inspired by Mockito with APIs for Fakes, Mocks, behavior verification, and stubbing.
MobX is a library for reactively managing the state of your applications. Use the power of observables, actions, and reactions to supercharge your Dart and Flutter apps.#reactive-programming#state-management
Drift is a reactive library to store relational data in Dart and Flutter applications.

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