Results33 packages
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A Dart template generator which helps teams generate files quickly and consistently. #mason#template#generator
A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon.
Mason CLI allows developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks. #mason#cli#template#generator
Checks for missing, under-promoted, over-promoted, and unused dependencies.
Simple package for parsing pubspec.yaml files with a type-safe API and rich error reporting.#dart-pub
Format definition and support for parsing `build.yaml` configuration.
Dev-dependency for users of drift. Contains the generator and development tools.#codegen#build-runner#drift#database
Automatically generate index / barrel / library files with all the export needed for your library.#library#library-generator#code-gen
A builder for extracting a package version into code.
Update your GitHub gh-pages branch with the compiled output of your Dart web app. Supports 'pub build' and the new 'pub run build_runner'.

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