Results10 packages
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A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation.
Provides lightweight yet convenient bindings to SQLite by using dart:ffi#sql#database#ffi
Sqflite web implementation using sqlite3 ffi and sqlite3 wasm.#sql#database
A service that proxies between the Chrome debug protocol and the Dart VM service protocol.
A CLI for Dart web development. Provides an easy and consistent set of features for users and tools to build and deploy web applications with Dart.
Use NPM packages in your projects through TypeScript interop
Critical Test is a cli tool designed to simplify the process of fixing broken unit tests in Dart.
The command line tool for scaffolding, serving, and building Navand applications.
A simple WebGL2 engine written in Dart
A command line interface to create, serve and build jaspr applications.#jaspr#web#cli

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