Results54 packages
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A super simple dependency injection implementation for flutter that behaves like any normal IOC container and does not rely on mirrors
Returns cached result of function call when inputs were not changed from previous invocation.
Dart package that provides simple access to the CoinGecko API (Version 3)
Minimal package containing 'ansi_up' third_party dependency used by package:devtools.
Logger. Easy, customizable, extensible logging, lightweight with filters, formatters, custom logs, log levels.#logger#logging#log#console#cli
Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.#i18n#localization#internationalization#translation
A collection of customizable interactive command-line components.
Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts!
Dependency Injection generator for your flutter/dart applications. This uses annotations and build_runner.
A codec to transform between a string and a list of values. The string must be comma (configurable) separated values.

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