Results419 packages
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An http interceptor for token refresh. Fresh is built on top of package:dio and manages authentication tokens transparently.
An graphql link for token refresh. Built on top of package:graphql and manages authentication tokens transparently.
Dart http middleware for HTTP Basic and Digest authentication
A native dart AMQP client supporting version 0.9.1 of the AMQP protocol. It features an asynchronous API, pluggable authentication providers and TLS support.
A comprehensive library of high-level, cryptographic APIs. This library supports hashing, password hashing, two-way encryption, MAC authentication, and key/IV generation.
A Dart package for authentication management for all systems
Cryptographic algorithms for encryption, digital signatures, key agreement, authentication, and hashing. AES, Chacha20, ED25519, X25519, Argon2, and more. Good cross-platform support.
A Dart wrapper for the 'Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript (MSAL.js)'.

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