package manager

The official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.

Supported by Google

Flutter Favorites

Some of the packages that demonstrate the highest levels of quality, selected by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee


Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the runtime dependency.


Flutter plugin for accessing accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors.


Flutter plugin for sharing content via the platform share UI, using the ACTION_SEND intent on Android and UIActivityViewController on iOS.


Easy-to-use Navigator 2.0 router for web, mobile and desktop. URL-based routing, simple navigation of tabs and nested routes.

Most popular packages

Some of the most downloaded packages over the past 60 days


An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files.


Flutter plugin for getting commonly used locations on host platform file systems, such as the temp and app data directories.


A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.


The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons. Provides 2000 additional icons to use in your apps.


A package to add shell command completion to your Dart application


Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.

Top Flutter packages

Some of the top packages that extend Flutter with new features


Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.


A package for creating badges. Badges can be used for an additional marker for any widget, e.g. show a number of items in a shopping cart.


Flutter integration for MobX. It provides a set of Observer widgets that automatically rebuild when the tracked observables change.


A complete solution to create Local and Push Notifications, customizing buttons, images, sounds, emoticons and applying many different layouts for Flutter apps.


A set of widgets that can be used to define a readable responsive UI for widgets.


Flutter Secure Storage provides API to store data in secure storage. Keychain is used in iOS, KeyStore based solution is used in Android.

Top Dart packages

Some of the top packages for any Dart-based app or program


A pdf producer for Dart. It can create pdf files for both web or flutter.


A dart client for Supabase. This client makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products.


A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc.


A platform-independent package for parsing and serializing HTTP formats.


Simple library for generating random ascii strings by default using Random from 'dart:math'.


sqflite ffi based implementation, for desktop and units tests.

Package of the Week

Package of the Week is a series of quick, animated videos, each of which covers a particular package

feedback (Package of the Week)
fl_chart (Package of the Week)
feedback (Package of the Week)
home_widget (Package of the Week)