termlib 0.3.0 copy "termlib: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
termlib: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

Library that provides a set of utilities for terminal applications.

TermLib #

Dart library that provides a set of utilities for terminal applications. Provides information about the running terminal as well as a set of methods for styling the text output or interacting with the terminal.

This library is part of the termKit project.

Features #

  • Keyboard input handling (including Kitty protocol)
  • Mouse events
  • Focus tracking
  • Line wrapping
  • Terminal scrolling
  • Synchronous update mode
  • Terminal hyperlinking
  • Terminal notifications
  • RGB/TrueColor support
  • Convert colors to the best matching if needed
  • Bracketed Paste
  • a lot more...

Getting Started #

Add termlib to your pubspec.yaml file:

  termlib: ^0.1.0
  termparser: ^0.1.0

Then, run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

Usage #

Here's a simple example of using termlib:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:termlib/termlib.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  final t = TermLib();
  final color = await t.isBackgroundDark() ? Color('yellow') : Color('blue');

    ..setTerminalTitle('My Terminal Application')
    ..writeAt(5, 5, t.style('Hello, World!')..fg(color));

  sleep(const Duration(seconds: 2));

  await t.flushThenExit(0);

Examples #

You can find more examples of how to use termlib in the example directory.

Acknowledges #

This library draws inspiration from of inspiration and ideas from this other great libraries:

License #

termlib is licensed under the MIT license.