red_black_tree_collection 1.2.0 copy "red_black_tree_collection: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
red_black_tree_collection: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard

High performance Red-Black Tree based Set and Map data structures that provide ordered collections with efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.

This Dart library offers high performance Red-Black Tree based Set and Map data structures that provide ordered collections with efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.

Features #

Adaptability: Offers all standard Map and Set functionalities as defined in Dart's interface. Plug and Play!

Ordering: The Red-Black Tree Set and Map maintain a balanced structure, ensuring that elements are ordered efficiently within the collection.

Performance: Approximately 110% performance improvement compared to Dart's SplayTreeMap and SplayTreeSet in terms of search, insertion, and deletion.

Additional Functionality: This library provides efficient implementation of binary searching on keys:

  • firstAfter and lastBefore on RBTreeSet.
  • firstKeyAfter and lastKeyBefore on RBTreeMap.

Test Coverage: This library is well unit tested and integration tested.

Basic Usage #

RBTreeMap #

    final treeMap = RBTreeMap<String, int>(
      // Example of custom comparator
      // Use case insensitive string compare.
          (a, b) => a.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.toLowerCase()),

    // add
    treeMap['john'] = 30;
    treeMap['BoB'] = 20;
    treeMap['Kevin'] = 31;
    // remove
    print(treeMap['BoB']); // 20
    print(treeMap['BoB']); // null
    // add from other map
    treeMap.addAll(const {'alice': 18, 'Charles': 70});
    // to pre-sorted list
    print(treeMap.keys.toList()); // [alice, Charles, john, Kevin]
    print(treeMap.values.toList()); // [18, 70, 30, 31]

    // [MapEntry(alice: 18), MapEntry(Charles: 70), MapEntry(john: 30), MapEntry(Kevin: 31)]
    // binary search key
    print(treeMap.firstKeyAfter('Alice')); // 'Charles'
    print(treeMap.lastKeyBefore('Nobody')); // 'Kevin'
    for (MapEntry<String, int> entry in treeMap.entries) {
      // Iterate through all (key, value) pair in key sorted order.
    // Initialize from built in Map.
    final newMap = RBTreeMap.of(<String, String>{'a' : 'A', 'b' : 'B'});

RBTreeSet #

    final treeSet = RBTreeSet<int>();
    // alternative constructor
    // final treeSet = RBTreeSet.from([10, 20, 30, 7, 1, 3, 5]);
    // add
    treeSet.addAll([10, 20, 30, 7, 1, 3]);

    // lookup
    print(treeSet.contains(3)); // true
    print(treeSet.contains(100)); // false;
    print(treeSet.lookup(30)); // 30
    print(treeSet.lookup(45.0)); // null

    // binary search element
    print(treeSet.firstAfter(15)); // 20
    print(treeSet.lastBefore(10)); // 7

    // remove
    treeSet.removeAll([1, 7, 30]);

    // to pre-sorted list
    print(treeSet.toList()); // [3, 5, 10, 20]

    for (int element in treeSet) {
      // Iterate through all elements in sorted order.

    // Initialize from built in Set.
    final newSet = RBTreeSet.of(<String>{'a', 'b', 'c'});

For advanced usage, please refer to API doc.

Performance Benchmarking #

Benchmarking is done with same data set doing same operations on RBTreeSet and SplayTreeSet separately.

Code to reproduce the performance metrics can be found here.

Single Set Test

Test case SplayTreeSet RBTreeSet Improvement
1 million insert + 1 million find 4324ms 2009ms ~115.2%
1 million insert + 2 million mixed remove/find 7215ms 3704ms ~94.7%

Multiple Set Test

Test case SplayTreeSet RBTreeSet Improvement
1000 individual sets with 5k insert + 5k find each 3756ms 2039ms ~84.2%

Misc #

Source Code and Link #

pub points



High performance Red-Black Tree based Set and Map data structures that provide ordered collections with efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on red_black_tree_collection