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Config Components for Pip.Services in Dart. This framework is part of the [Pip.Services](https://github.com/pip-services/pip-services) project.

Pip.Services Logo
Config components definitions for Dart #

This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit.

The Config module contains configuration component definitions that can be used to build applications and services.

The module contains the following packages:

  • Auth - authentication credential stores
  • Config - configuration readers and managers, whose main task is to deliver configuration parameters to the application from wherever they are being stored
  • Connect - connection discovery and configuration services

Quick links:

Use #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  pip_services4_config: version

Now you can install package from the command line:

pub get

Example how to get connection parameters and credentials using resolvers. The resolvers support "discovery_key" and "store_key" configuration parameters to retrieve configuration from discovery services and credential stores respectively.

import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/config/ConfigParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/config/IConfigurable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/refer/IReferences.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/refer/IReferenceable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/run/IOpenable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/connect/ConnectionParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/connect/ConnectionResolver.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/auth/CredentialParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/auth/CredentialResolver.dart';

class MyComponent implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable {
  final _connectionResolver = ConnectionResolver();
  final _credentialResolver = CredentialResolver();
  bool _opened = false;

  void configure(ConfigParams config) {

  void setReferences(IReferences refs) {

  // ...
  Future open(IContext? context) async {
    ConnectionParams? connection =
        await _connectionResolver.resolve(context);

    CredentialParams? credential =
        await _credentialResolver.lookup(context);

    if (connection != null && credential != null) {
      String? host = connection.getHost();
      int? port = connection.getPort();
      String? user = credential.getUsername();
      String? pass = credential.getPassword();
      // ...
      _opened = true;

// Using the component
var myComponent = new MyComponent();

  'connection.host', 'localhost',
  'connection.port', 1234,
  'credential.username', 'anonymous',
  'credential.password', 'pass123'

await myComponent.open(null);

Develop #

For development you shall install the following prerequisites:

  • Dart SDK 3
  • Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
  • Docker

Install dependencies:

pub get

Run automated tests:

pub run test

Generate API documentation:


Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:


Contacts #

The library is created and maintained by Sergey Seroukhov and Levichev Dmitry.

The documentation is written by Egor Nuzhnykh, Alexey Dvoykin, Mark Makarychev, Levichev Dmitry.

pub points


verified publisherentinco.com

Config Components for Pip.Services in Dart. This framework is part of the [Pip.Services](https://github.com/pip-services/pip-services) project.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




pip_services4_commons, pip_services4_components, pip_services4_expressions, yaml


Packages that depend on pip_services4_config