go_saffe_flutter 0.1.1 copy "go_saffe_flutter: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
go_saffe_flutter: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

Saffe capture flutter package.

GoSaffeCapture Flutter #

Usage #

To use GoSaffeCapture in your application, follow these steps:

  1. Import the package go_saffe_flutter/go_saffe_flutter.dart.
import 'package:go_saffe_flutter/go_saffe_flutter.dart';
  1. Create an instance of GoSaffeCapture with the necessary parameters, including the API key, user identifier, type, and end-to-end ID. Additionally, define the onFinish and onClose callback functions to handle the corresponding events received from the WebView.
  captureKey: '', // capture key (sandbox or production)
  user: '', // end-user identifier (either email or CPF)
  type: '', // 'onboarding' or 'verification'
  endToEndId: '', // identifier to keep consistency between front and backend
  onFinish: () {
    // Do something when the finish event is received
    print('Finish event received');
  onClose: () {
    // Do something when the close event is received
    print('Close event received');
  onError: () {
    // Do something when the return some error on rendering screen
    print('Error received');
  1. Add the GoSaffeCapture widget where you want it to be displayed in your user interface.
  appBar: AppBar(
    title: Text('Example of GoSaffeCapture'),
  body: Center(
    child: GoSaffeCapture(
      captureKey: 'your_api_key',
      user: 'user_identifier',
      type: 'verification | onboarding',
      endToEndId: 'end_to_end_id',
      onFinish: () {
        // Do something when the finish event is received
        print('Finish event received');
      onClose: () {
        // Do something when the close event is received
        print('Close event received');
      onError: () {
        // Do something when the return some error on rendering screen
        print('Error received');

Make sure to replace captureKey, user and endToEndId with the actual values needed.

Support #

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue in this repository.