flutter_bloc 0.8.0 copy "flutter_bloc: ^0.8.0" to clipboard
flutter_bloc: ^0.8.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.

0.8.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.10.0 and Documentation Updates

0.7.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation.

0.7.0 #

Added BlocProviderTree and Documentation Updates

0.6.3 #

Updated to bloc:^0.9.3 and Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.2 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.9.0

0.5.4 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.3 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.2 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.1 #

BlocProvider performance improvements

0.5.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.8.0

0.4.12 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.11 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.10 #

Additional BlocBuilder enhancements

  • BlocBuilder no longer filters out States giving developers full control

Minor Updates to Documentation and Examples

0.4.9 #

Additional BlocBuilder enhancements

  • BlocBuilder no longer has a dependency on RxDart
  • Using bloc: ">=0.7.5 <0.8.0"

0.4.8 #

Additional BlocProvider performance improvements

0.4.7 #

Minor Updates to Documentation and Examples

0.4.6 #

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where BlocBuilder would return initial state instead of the latest state

0.4.5 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.4 #

Minor updates to documentation and improved error reporting in BlocProvider

0.4.3 #

BlocBuilder performance improvements

0.4.2 #

BlocProvider performance improvements

0.4.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.7.0

0.3.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.3.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.6.0

0.2.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.2.0 #

Updates to BlocBuilder and BlocProvider

  • BlocBuilder does not automatically dispose a Bloc. Developers are now responsible for determining when to call Bloc.dispose()
  • BlocProvider support for of(context) with generics
    • Support for multiple nested BlocProviders with different Bloc Types.

0.1.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.1.0 #

Initial Version of the library.

  • Includes the ability to connect presentation layer to Bloc by using the BlocBuilder Widget.
  • Includes BlocProvider, a DI widget that allows a single instance of a bloc to be provided to multiple widgets within a subtree.
pub points


verified publisherbloclibrary.dev

Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.



unknown (LICENSE)


bloc, flutter


Packages that depend on flutter_bloc