bluetooth_x_print 1.0.10 copy "bluetooth_x_print: ^1.0.10" to clipboard
bluetooth_x_print: ^1.0.10 copied to clipboard

X Printer Support for Flutter

Forked from bluetooth_print

Introduction #

BluetoothPrint is a bluetooth plugin for Flutter, a new mobile SDK to help developers build bluetooth thermal printer apps for both iOS and Android.(for example, Gprinter pt-280、pt-380、gp-1324、gp-2120 eg.)

Underway(please suggest) #

[ ] print x,y positions
[ ] set paper size
[ ] more print examples

verison #

3.0.0(flutter 2.x)
2.0.0(flutter 1.12)
1.2.0(flutter 1.9)

Features #

Android Description
scan Starts a scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
connect Establishes a connection to the device.
disconnect Cancels an active or pending connection to the device.
state Stream of state changes for the Bluetooth Device.
print test message print device test message.
print text print custom text, support layout.
print image print image.
print qrcode print qrcode,support change size.
print barcode print barcode

Usage #


To use this plugin :

    sdk: flutter
  • init a BluetoothPrint instance
import 'package:bluetooth_x_print/bluetooth_print.dart';
import 'package:bluetooth_x_print/bluetooth_print_model.dart';

BluetoothPrint bluetoothPrint = BluetoothPrint.instance;

scan #

// begin scan
bluetoothPrint.startScan(timeout: Duration(seconds: 4));

// get devices
    stream: bluetoothPrint.scanResults,
    initialData: [],
    builder: (c, snapshot) => Column(
      children: => ListTile(
        title: Text(''),
        subtitle: Text(d.address),
        onTap: () async {
          setState(() {
            _device = d;
        trailing: _device!=null && _device.address == d.address?Icon(

connect #

await bluetoothPrint.connect(_device);

disconnect #

await bluetoothPrint.disconnect();

listen state #

      bluetoothPrint.state.listen((state) {
      print('cur device status: $state');
# bluetooth_print

      switch (state) {
        case BluetoothPrint.CONNECTED:
          setState(() {
            _connected = true;
        case BluetoothPrint.DISCONNECTED:
          setState(() {
            _connected = false;

A new flutter plugin project.

    Map<String, dynamic> config = Map();
    List<LineText> list = List();
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, content: 'A Title', weight: 1, align: LineText.ALIGN_CENTER,linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, content: 'this is conent left', weight: 0, align: LineText.ALIGN_LEFT,linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, content: 'this is conent right', align: LineText.ALIGN_RIGHT,linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_BARCODE, content: 'A12312112', size:10, align: LineText.ALIGN_CENTER, linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_QRCODE, content: 'qrcode i', size:10, align: LineText.ALIGN_CENTER, linefeed: 1));
    list.add(LineText(linefeed: 1));
## Getting Started

    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/images/guide3.png");
    List<int> imageBytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
    String base64Image = base64Encode(imageBytes);
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_IMAGE, content: base64Image, align: LineText.ALIGN_CENTER, linefeed: 1));

    await bluetoothPrint.printReceipt(config, list);

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

    Map<String, dynamic> config = Map();
    config['width'] = 40; // 标签宽度,单位mm
    config['height'] = 70; // 标签高度,单位mm
    config['gap'] = 2; // 标签间隔,单位mm

    // x、y坐标位置,单位dpi,1mm=8dpi
    List<LineText> list = List();
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, x:10, y:10, content: 'A Title'));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_TEXT, x:10, y:40, content: 'this is content'));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_QRCODE, x:10, y:70, content: 'qrcode i\n'));
    list.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_BARCODE, x:10, y:190, content: 'qrcode i\n'));

    List<LineText> list1 = List();
    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/images/guide3.png");
    List<int> imageBytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
    String base64Image = base64Encode(imageBytes);
    list1.add(LineText(type: LineText.TYPE_IMAGE, x:10, y:10, content: base64Image,));

    await bluetoothPrint.printLabel(config, list);
    await bluetoothPrint.printLabel(config, list1);

Thanks For #