appcenter_release_manager 4.0.1 copy "appcenter_release_manager: ^4.0.1" to clipboard
appcenter_release_manager: ^4.0.1 copied to clipboard

Download appcenter updates straight from your iOS or Android app.

AppCenter Release Manager #

pub package License

Download appcenter updates straight from your iOS or Android app.

Use the predefined UI with the AppcenterReleaseManagerLatestReleases widget #

Api Token should have read access only

    apiToken: 'your-api-token',
    ownerName: 'your-owner-name',
    appName: 'your-app-name',

Use the manager to create your custom ui. Should be used as a repository/service #

Api Token should have read access only

  apiToken: 'your-api-token',

Install by url or release details: #

Api Token should have read access only

final details = await AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name');
AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').installRelease(details, openAndroidInstallScreen: true, keepAndroidNotification: false);

Or by url Api Token should have read access only

final details = await AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name');
AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').installReleaseByUrl(details.installUrl, appName: 'your-app-name', appVersion: 'your-version', openAndroidInstallScreen: true, keepAndroidNotification: false); //appName & appVersion & openAndroidInstallScreen & keepAndroidNotification will be used in the notification on android. On iOS this is never used

Install Options

openAndroidInstallScreen -> On Android, this will open the install screen after the download is finished. On iOS this is never used

keepAndroidNotification -> On Android, this will keep the notification after the download is finished. On iOS this is never used If you use openAndroidInstallScreen: false -> keepAndroidNotification will automatically be set to true

Full access #

If you also want to splits everything up by owner you need to provide a full access api token

Other available methods for the AppCenterReleaseManager: #

Api Token should have read access only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getUserDetails(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllOrganizations(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllApps(); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getAllApps(ownerName: 'owner_name'); //global api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getReleases('owner_name','app_name'); //global/app api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name', 'id'); //global/app api token only

AppCenterReleaseManager(apiToken: '').getLatestReleaseDetails('owner_name','app_name'); //global/app api token only

Android Production: #

This package automaticly adds an extra permission to install apps from Android 8 & above.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" />

For most cases you don't want this permission in Production. To remove this. Add the following lines to the AndroidManifest.xml for the flavour/buildtype where you don't want this permission

<manifest xmlns:android=""

        tools:node="remove" />


In most cases you will place this in


But if you are using a flavour like prod, alpha, beta it will probably only be added here:


This will make sure that the permission is only removed in prod so you can still install updates in beta & alpha

pub points



Download appcenter updates straight from your iOS or Android app.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


flutter, http, universal_io, url_launcher


Packages that depend on appcenter_release_manager